Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What genre of writing would this be?

1&2. Id have to say these both belong in the "SUCKISH" genre. Its a new style of writing, a lot of kids are doing it these days. From the sound of it theses would make great additions to the genre. Nice work

What was the last prank that you pulled?

Okay, this is a funny prank. You take a garbage can and fill it about 3/4 way with water. You lean this up against a random house’s door. Knock on the door, run, and hide so you can see it from a distance. When the unsuspecting person opens the door the water will fall into their house flooding it. This is a really funny prank. But don’t get caught.

Michelle Obamas Trip To Africa Cost $800,000 Tax Payer Dollars. Was It Appropriate?

Michelle visited South Africa and brought along her two daughters.her mother and two of her brothers children. They visited museums, and Landmarks and even went on a Safari. I understand that she was there to promote youth leadership,education and health but considering the current economic difficulties America is struggling with it is appropriate for her to spend $800,000 of hard earned American tax dollars on a tax payer funded vacation for her Family and friends? During these hard times most Americans can't even afford a bungalow at the shore for a weeks vacation. I don't think the Trip was appropriate. If she had to visit Africa why did she have to drag her children friends and relatives along at tax payer expense? Im starting to see why her nickname is "Moochelle"

If god is so good would he ever forgive the doubters, after all there is no solid, without a doubt proof?

i want to believe in a god but with so much pain and suffering, not just wicked people but diseases and nature itself, i really struggle, if he is so good and kind then surely he would forgive people like me...

Should I give my dog to a better home?

Well its starting to get Frustrating with him when I leave. If I leave to get the mail or something he will FREAK OUT, start scratching at the door, barking even if I leave a room. So like 10 Min's ago there's a baby gate at the end of the stairs because he likes to eat cat poop (why i don't know) so I walk up and he starts BARKING so loud. When its 2:00 a.m I say "No bad boy shh" he keeps doing it. I hit him on the butt go back up he keeps doing it. He does this everyday, the person before we got him abused him at 8 WEEKS what sick person would do this??! Then hes starting to bite at my other dogs neck hes going to get big because hes only 5 months and weighs about 50. So what happens when he gets older and bigger i don't want him to hurt her. Shes like the size of a Chihuahua. I walk him everyday 3 miles a day and he goes to the dog park and hes around me all day because its summer and I rarely go anywhere. I train him and everything but i don't know whats wrong. Then he will go poop when I leave to anywhere, i let him out 7 times a day, he's potty trained but he will still go. He barks at every little noise please I need options please don't say "it's your choice."

I need advice, quickly please?

My name is Tyler... I'm 25 and I currently work at Wal-Mart in the clothing department. Sure, it's not the most glamorous job, but I'm doing my best. I've been struggling with this ever since middle school to be honest. I need your help, now more then ever. A few months back, a new guy started working here in the same department. He's the first openly gay person I've met, and I can't stop thinking about him. I've been having these kind of crushes and "problems" ever since first grade at the least when I had a crush on a boy. I'm so embaressed. My parents and entire family are devout Christians... and they aren't exactly "open" to my feelings. I don't really have any friends, and as I said, talking to my parents is out of the question until I fess up to them. I need to tell my parents that I am, putting it blatantly, gay. I've been putting this off since High School when I finally came to terms with who I am. I need advice on how to do it though... and I also need advice on how to ask this guy out. Please. All I'm asking for is advice.

Would you dump me????

A few weeks ago I tried to kill myself by popping a hand full of tylenol. I messed up my insides real bad and now I see a therepist and physitrist. I am now on anti-depressants. I am also losing alot of weight real quickly, I have made myself puke before an'd I hardly eat (if I can get away with it).. My mother and therepist are concerned about my eating habits and my friends mother says if I dont start eating better Im going to get sick. Im a self-harmer, I burn, cut, snap rubber bands against my like skin, push pins into my skin, sometimes i get people pissed off so they'll hit me. I made a promise to my therepist that I wont harm but I broke that the very same night. I have been "struggling" with depression for about a year Ig and have been a self-harmer for like that long 2. I am losing friends quickly because they think Im trouble and I dont have such a good reputation right now. i get teased for trying to kill myself hurtting myself and for being on pills. I have smoked and drank. Im emo/goth by the way. Oh and Im about to be 14. What do you think of this? If you were my bf would you dump me or stay with me?