Monday, July 18, 2011

Three questions about my cat's behavior?

They are right about the other questions, but PLEASE do NOT get your cat de-clawed! In some European countries it is even illegal. De-clawing is not just removing the claws- it is actually an amputation of bone! It is a very painful surgery, with very painful recovery. The cat's claws are an important part of its body design. Some owners notice personality changes after this very serious operation. It is not to be taken lightly. It does hurt the cat, they hide pain very well. My cat never fully got over his de-clawing (I regret it so much) and he still will lift his paws as if they are agitated. I feel lucky that that was the only side effect he has had. You can get soft nail caps to put over the claws, learn to trim the nails, or take it to a vet to get the nails clipped.

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