Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Does he like me? What should I do?

The guy I really like sits behind me in History class. We talk all the time, and he always touches my arm. We can always hold really good eye contact that lasts for a long time. Yesterday, my friend found out who i like from my best friend. When the person sitting next to me (who already knew) found out what we were talking about she said "oh! That's what you guys are talking about.." and then the person sitting behind her asked what we were talking about. When the guy i like came to sit down, the girl next to me said "Shh..he's right there!" which made it obvious to the guy behind her who then screamed "Aww! You like __________?!!?!" I didn't talk to anyone after that because i knew that the guy i liked obviously knew. After school, later at night, I talked to him on facebook for an hour and 30 minutes and he didn't reply with any one word answers.. when he had to go I casually asked if he wanted to hang out sometime. He said "maybe, i'm always sort of busy" and I didn't know what to say so i answered, "okay". Now on Monday, I don't know how I'm going to bring it up again or what to say..Do you think he likes me and what should I do? :)

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