Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I have a child support related problem im the dad?

for over 3 years me and my ex have been in a off and on relationship untill her recently we decided to go our seperate ways... mainly because she wasnt mature enough for me she only caused me grief and problems me and her are both 19 so i left her but on our last sexual encounter she got pregenent well... of course i was destroyed... one because i cant stand her i hate her with a burning passion and two because was never mother material she is basicly a 13 year old in a 19 year old body... but anyways my son was born and he is now a year old and right now he has been in and out of the hospital sence he was born idk if its because he has some serious medical problems or if its because my stupid ex neglects him i was able to be there for his birth which i will say was the worst experience of my life not him being born but my exs mother making it the worst... but sence ik i wanted to do the right thing i wanted to be there for my son but my ex made it impossible...i was currently seeing a new girl before he was born and i basicly left her in the dust just so i could be there for my son which required me to somehow make things work with my ex.... it tore me up inside it did... but a week went by and it just wasnt gona work me and my ex constantly faught and i just couldnt do it i never wanted to leave my son but i just couldnt put my son threw constant fighting and that wasnt the type of enviorment i wanted him growing up in so i got back with my new gf that im with currently and happly :) but my ex made things impossible with me seeing and trying to help my son...... i wanted to see my son but every time i would go see my son i would be judged because i wasnt doing someting wrong... and the only thing she wanted to do was try and get in my pants and i wasnt gona do that anymore... i was happy with my new gf and i wasnt gona let her **** that up so i stopped going over to her house to see my son because of her ik that sounds bad but i didnt knw what else to do i wanted to keep seeing my son but i wasnt gona let her keep letting her try and have her way with me i told her that if she ever needed my help with anything to tell me and i would help in any way i could but sence i was with my new gf she didnt wana have nothing to do with me because she hatted my new gf with a passion because she blames her for why me and her never worked out she says she stole me away from her and all this bs so here we are today 6/30/11 me and my new gf are currently expecting :) yes ik im a baby machine but sence i wasnt there for my first son to have the hole experience of being a dad this is a new and exciting experience for me but my ex is making things difficult because she is putting child support on me which i think is bs... because i told her that if she ever needed help i would last chrismas i got my first son like 6 outfits worth of clothing and she rejected them all why idk i offered to give her money for my son if he ever needed anything and when she ever asked me for money it wasnt for him it was for stupid bs like for cigs or for her prom crap or gas and i told her no and over this past year iv seen how she is at being a mom and she is doing horable she constanly is giving him off to other people to watch him while she drives around town for hours doing nothing exept sleeping with guys and hanging out with her friends she hasnt had my son with her for a fulll week sence he was born and now she is putting child support on me and i can almost bet its because she wants money and idk what to do....i am currently unemployed and unable to work because i cant see my eye sight is so horable i cant see anything thats not a foot from my face and me and my gf are struggling as it just trying to make it by with one job untill i can get back up on my feet and ik this sounds bad but i do not wana pay that stupid ***** child support because ik that money wont go to him it will alll go to her and thats not what i want but ik the judge wont care because here in arkansas they protect the mothers more than the fathers and i can understand why but in this case i dont knw what would happen... i dont have money to hire a layer to try and fight for custody so he can be with someone that will at least care for him... and not ditch him off constantly and all of this is just stressing me out bad because idk how the court system works and idk if im doing something wrong or what im suppost to do i just really need some advice from someone more experienced...

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