Saturday, July 16, 2011

I think I am pansexual, opinions?

I seem to be a pansexual, according to the definition. But at times I doubt if I really fit into the lgbt community or just admire it. This is probably just my insecurities, but I figured I would ask opinions. I am a 24 year old female, who isn't very feminine, but isn't androgynous by any means. Yes I know gender identity is different than sexuality, but I thought I would briefly start with it. At times I think about wanting to cut my hair into a cute boyish cut but have never acted on it. Growing up I always envied guys that had long hair, even though I had long hair, because mine didn't make the same statement there's did. I always have envied men that dress up in drag, thinking how fun it would be to dress up like Dr. Frank N Furter (having to be a man dressing as a woman to pull it off). I am very sexually and athestically attracted to men that wear make-up and that have an androgynous appearance and temperament. I have struggled with being sexually attracted to women. I have had small crushes on women but never been in love with one, or had sex with one. I have enjoyed making out with a couple though, and if watching porn, its always the woman I look at NEVER the guy. The point of watching it to me IS to see the woman. I am also attracted to androgynous women. And yes I am emotionally and sexually attracted to a typical gendered man as well, but its more the vanilla in the bunch if you know what I mean. I have been in love with two men in my life. I also feel very intuned with people that are transgendered. I only know two in real life, but one of them I have have romantic feelings for, to the point where I think I could fall in love with her. She is a MTF transsexual, that is living as a woman. We have kissed and had sex, but we are more emotionally attracted to each other than anything, and tend to focus our relationship around a very strong friendship that developed very quickly.

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