Thursday, July 14, 2011

My teacher touched me?

Ok... so im confused and i feel dirty but i was not my fault... my geography teacher is a female and i missed a lesson the other week... and she said come back to the humanities office after school and il talk you through the homework ... so i did and when i went back she wasn't there... i walked around humanities (the history,geog,r.s classrooms) to ask someone where she had gone and i saw the store room door open with a light on ... and i popped my head around the door and my history teacher saw me and said oh hi candice can i help you? shouldn't you be at home its nearly half 3 and i said i was looking for my geog teacher and he said oh she is down at six form she will be back up soon ... do you want me to give her anything and i said no she wanted to see me... so he said oh whilst your waiting could you help me take these to HU4? (hu4 is near the Store room) and i was like yeah sure so i went into the store room and began picking some books up and he reached across towards the door (i just thought he was getting books of a shelf) but then he shut the door and locked it ... when i got up he was right in front of me and i panicked a little and he said you are a good looking girl... and i was like o..k.. er-rm :/ and he felt my breasts and i found it a little weird he is only 23 good looking and then he started going up my skirt to the point where his finger was inside my vagina and then he stopped and opened the door and said Shh... i went home in bits and had a shower and calmed down... now its the holidays and im dreading monday, before he did used to wink at me and smile ect but i didn't think anything of it... i really don't want him to lose his job and to be called a liar but i don't know what to do ... help anyone ?

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