Wednesday, July 13, 2011

You can correct this translation please?! I do not speak English well and I have done something wrong.?

This seems to me to be a seious question regarding not translation (or am I incorrect?) but the interpretation of sufferings, how,more or less, we abhorr or undervalue, or measure it in value-terms, or not. It is a dreadful part of being us, tha we cannot truly assess and often don`t wish to assess,personal suffeing, or assist, leaving it solely to governments to influence opinion and action, at he expense of both those suffering and at the expense of losing our sense of common decency, common heritage. Kindness, where it helps, is needed all around us, every day. And who is so wise....? Thank you for voicing your concern. That`s how I translate this query. May strength and kindness be with you as you are.sometomes people can`t do better because they can`t and sometimes because thay think they cannot, very very often.

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