Sunday, July 10, 2011

I have failed my degree please help?

I have been seriously struggling with depression and heart problems over the last 5 years and its finally taken its toll. I have been trying to do this degree in biomedical science over the last 5 years but everything has gone wrong. In my first year I was at bath spa uni doing fine until I started having heart problems and I had to drop out and go back home so I could be closer to my family and doctors. I changed uni's to a closer one but I had to start again. The next 2 years went fine and I got into the last year of uni but then I started to have palpatations and further heart problems again which meant I had to miss out a load of the year being hospital and had to repeat the year. I just done my repeat year and its been the year from hell as this year I have had terrible problems with depression and I struggled really bad with therapy and being anti depressents. I have tried to go on with the degree as hard as I can but I have had no help from any lecturers even though I told them my problems. My personal tutor never replied to any of my emails at all during my dissertation so I have had no help so I have guarenteed a fail on that. My exams and cw were horrible aswell and I about to get my results tomorow and I am pretty sure I have failed the whole lot. My parents havent been understanding at all saying I have wasted 5 years of my life and that if I fail then they wont want anything to do with me anymore and they are ashamed of me. The stupid thing is that I dont care for the subject anymore, I dont a job to do with biology of medical science. I discovered that I really wanna get into teaching primary school as I have been doing voluntary work at local schools for quite a while. Is there a way I can not waste the 2 years worth of credits I got and use it to get into teaching?? how can I turn my pathetic life around??

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