Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What genre of writing would this be?

1&2. Id have to say these both belong in the "SUCKISH" genre. Its a new style of writing, a lot of kids are doing it these days. From the sound of it theses would make great additions to the genre. Nice work

What was the last prank that you pulled?

Okay, this is a funny prank. You take a garbage can and fill it about 3/4 way with water. You lean this up against a random house’s door. Knock on the door, run, and hide so you can see it from a distance. When the unsuspecting person opens the door the water will fall into their house flooding it. This is a really funny prank. But don’t get caught.

Michelle Obamas Trip To Africa Cost $800,000 Tax Payer Dollars. Was It Appropriate?

Michelle visited South Africa and brought along her two daughters.her mother and two of her brothers children. They visited museums, and Landmarks and even went on a Safari. I understand that she was there to promote youth leadership,education and health but considering the current economic difficulties America is struggling with it is appropriate for her to spend $800,000 of hard earned American tax dollars on a tax payer funded vacation for her Family and friends? During these hard times most Americans can't even afford a bungalow at the shore for a weeks vacation. I don't think the Trip was appropriate. If she had to visit Africa why did she have to drag her children friends and relatives along at tax payer expense? Im starting to see why her nickname is "Moochelle"

If god is so good would he ever forgive the doubters, after all there is no solid, without a doubt proof?

i want to believe in a god but with so much pain and suffering, not just wicked people but diseases and nature itself, i really struggle, if he is so good and kind then surely he would forgive people like me...

Should I give my dog to a better home?

Well its starting to get Frustrating with him when I leave. If I leave to get the mail or something he will FREAK OUT, start scratching at the door, barking even if I leave a room. So like 10 Min's ago there's a baby gate at the end of the stairs because he likes to eat cat poop (why i don't know) so I walk up and he starts BARKING so loud. When its 2:00 a.m I say "No bad boy shh" he keeps doing it. I hit him on the butt go back up he keeps doing it. He does this everyday, the person before we got him abused him at 8 WEEKS what sick person would do this??! Then hes starting to bite at my other dogs neck hes going to get big because hes only 5 months and weighs about 50. So what happens when he gets older and bigger i don't want him to hurt her. Shes like the size of a Chihuahua. I walk him everyday 3 miles a day and he goes to the dog park and hes around me all day because its summer and I rarely go anywhere. I train him and everything but i don't know whats wrong. Then he will go poop when I leave to anywhere, i let him out 7 times a day, he's potty trained but he will still go. He barks at every little noise please I need options please don't say "it's your choice."

I need advice, quickly please?

My name is Tyler... I'm 25 and I currently work at Wal-Mart in the clothing department. Sure, it's not the most glamorous job, but I'm doing my best. I've been struggling with this ever since middle school to be honest. I need your help, now more then ever. A few months back, a new guy started working here in the same department. He's the first openly gay person I've met, and I can't stop thinking about him. I've been having these kind of crushes and "problems" ever since first grade at the least when I had a crush on a boy. I'm so embaressed. My parents and entire family are devout Christians... and they aren't exactly "open" to my feelings. I don't really have any friends, and as I said, talking to my parents is out of the question until I fess up to them. I need to tell my parents that I am, putting it blatantly, gay. I've been putting this off since High School when I finally came to terms with who I am. I need advice on how to do it though... and I also need advice on how to ask this guy out. Please. All I'm asking for is advice.

Would you dump me????

A few weeks ago I tried to kill myself by popping a hand full of tylenol. I messed up my insides real bad and now I see a therepist and physitrist. I am now on anti-depressants. I am also losing alot of weight real quickly, I have made myself puke before an'd I hardly eat (if I can get away with it).. My mother and therepist are concerned about my eating habits and my friends mother says if I dont start eating better Im going to get sick. Im a self-harmer, I burn, cut, snap rubber bands against my like skin, push pins into my skin, sometimes i get people pissed off so they'll hit me. I made a promise to my therepist that I wont harm but I broke that the very same night. I have been "struggling" with depression for about a year Ig and have been a self-harmer for like that long 2. I am losing friends quickly because they think Im trouble and I dont have such a good reputation right now. i get teased for trying to kill myself hurtting myself and for being on pills. I have smoked and drank. Im emo/goth by the way. Oh and Im about to be 14. What do you think of this? If you were my bf would you dump me or stay with me?

How is my Novel story?

it's really not too bad! the only errors i found were grammar related, and there were only one or two. i'd read it if it came out :D

Parents/godparents do you worry about stuff that may or may not happen? How do I stop?

My whole life I have struggled with this-worrying about things that may or may not happen in the future. The most recent is me worrying they may or may not change telecommuting agreements at work and it may or may not mean moving. I know the smart thing to do would be to continue to live my life and worry about it if and when it happens. I know from past experiences no good comes of this. I think I have gotten better about living in the moment since I have had kids but this habit still creeps in and its totally counterproductive-for instance my county has some very good and very bad schools, but I have 2 years before my son starts and I'll have to decide whether to move, go to a magnet, use private, etc. yet I still worry about it.

Wondering if my character is well-rounded enough?

Shes ok but she kind of sounds like a Mary Sue. I see your trying to give her flaws but they just don't fit. I would take the Mary Sue test that I use: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Am I just wasting my time?

There's this guy.. We used to talk ALL the time and flirt and stuff. His best friend told me that he (my crush) likes me. And this one day this girl came up and she's like "Oooh, you like her!" and then he like covered her mouth and he's like shh really quietly and then he's like no and i'm like what? and he's like oh , nothing and then he smiled really weird. And theres alot of other stories too but that's not really my point. Lately he's kinda been ignoring me. He doesn't talk to me that much anymore. But he's ALL I think about. And I like him A LOT! But am I wasting my time? Should I just move on? Or wait for him to make a move??

Poem ideas for boyfriend!?

Think of all things you have in common and include a couple things you dont but that bring you closer. Write what you think you should write and dont ask for others advise because we have no idea of the things you and he share etc.

Long snapping is giving me groin pain?

Im a long snapper planning on snapping in uni, but recently ive been snapping alot, everyday actually and my groin is beginning to get sore, i think it may be because of my wide stance im in and snapping so much my groin just has to get use to it, in highschool i never really practiced because are coach never gave me time probably because i was on offence and defence too, and he probably felt like it was more important, and i never really struggled in games with my snapping so he didnt care but ive been doing it everyday for about a week now and i dont really wanna take a day off, because i want to get better, my times right now are about high, .60s and low .70s, and thats really good but i want every single snap to be perfect, but today i was trying to snap and it was sore, so im pretty sure its throwing off my form right now, besides rest i just wanted any advice or tips anyone may have to maybe heal it faster or make it stronger so it doesnt happen anymore, thanks.

I want to wear short shorts but I'm not allowed?

Well, I'm allowed to wear bermudas, but I don't like them cause they make my legs look way too skinny and it just doesn't look good. (I'm already really skinny) I got these shorts that are bermudas but they have buttons at the sides so you can roll them up and I got to school and did that. My mom is like yaa..But I think, new country, new ways. (we've been in canada for like 9 years but shh) How can I ask my mom to be able to wear shorts without being awkward. I saw this nice pair at Tommy Hilfigor and asked if I could get them, but she said they were too short. So what should I do?

Soooo I need a poem for a piece I'm writing?

I'm composing a choral piece, and as some composers do, I have chosen to put a poem as the lyrics. (mostly because I'm a terrible poet haha). Anyway, the piece is nostalgic, somewhat sentimental... sounds a bit like In Dreams from Lord of the Rings (that totally just rhymed. Maybe I am a poet. and I didn't know it.) Any poem would be great! Thanks.

Michael Jackson Dream? Need help of what it means!! 10 points?

Alright; so this is my dream from last night, and I cant figure it out what it means: Someone try to help me with it: Best answer 10 points: Here it is: " So I was in this room, and Michael J was there, and some other people I don't know: And they seen they were having some kind of meeting, and he was talking about some lyrics,and something was his handwriting on paper: But while he was saying that, he had this book: And I took a copy of what he was reading: And I flipped through it, and it was like this old book: And it was highlighted with a old yellow highligher: And this book, it was old poems: ( I know MJ write's poet's: I know that's a true fact; and NOW I know he reads XD) And as I flipped through it, I came to this page that said: " Moon Ballad: And that Michael likes that name" That's the dream: Now I thinking: Why does MJ want me to know the name " moon ballad" And why did he come into my dreams just to "show me that" He said he "likes the name" But I doubt it's not a NickName: I never heard anyone say to him: " Hey Moon Ballad!!" XD So I have to over think it's not a Nick Name: I looked up the name: " Moon Ballad" And it's a fancy horse:But that just leads up to more questions: " Why would he come in my dream just to tell me about a horse?? Is it a password? What does anyone else think??

Is it normal for me to feel so weird and jealous after reading two intimate love poems my boyfriend wrote ex?

I was at a friends house and this friend has been a friend of my boyfriend way longer than I've known him. Me and my boyfriend have been dating for 2 and a half years. My boyfriend is a talented slam poet and writes wonderful poems. I guess before I knew him he left a notebook of his poems in the bookshelf of my friends house and I saw them and wanted to see what his old work was like. I ended up finding 2 very intimate poems about his ex describing how they made love and were perfect for each other with all of these suggestive metaphors. I trust my boyfriend but for the rest of the day I felt sorta gross and jealous. I mentioned that I read those to him and then was really embarrassed for saying anything at all.. I guess there was no point in me mentioning them.. it sorta ruined our night of hanging out by how weird I was felt. I know it was in the past before he met me but I just cant get those words out of my head... its my fault for continuing to read the poems even though I knew they were about his ex I guess. Has anything like this happened to you? Is it weird to feel jealous ? p.s he is my first boyfriend and first guy I've ever been physical with.. could this be why I cant relate to him having an ex and am so weirded out?

I am trying to figure out this movie?

its about a young black couple, female ends up getting pregnant and the boyfriend sticks around...she struggles to keep the relationship together cause they are not sure they can do this just yet, well the only part of the movie i remember is at the end they are both sleeping in her bed, and she awakes with blood everywhere on the sheets, her water broke or did something, she eventually has the baby in the bed, with the help of her boyfriend delivering it. after baby is born she doesnt want NOTHING to do with the baby tells him to "get rid of it" hes walking down the street with baby wrapped up in a sheet...and he puts the baby near the dumpster. i cant really remember what happens after that, but i have been searching for this movie for the past year and i cannot seem to find it. can someone help?

Why are so many Australians anti muslim?

I'm Australian and from a Muslim family but I'm blond and blue eyed so I look like stereotypical "Aussie" so I see the discrimination against Muslims since no one thinks I am one whats the go with that? oh and I'm secretly gay but shh I'm not out

YouTube: What the hell does "(Shh! - Internal Dogfood)" mean?

YouTube has introduced a new Creative Commons license option, meaning users can allow their videos to be remixed and reused by other users. The term "dogfood" refers to a product or feature tested by the company itself. In this case, the "dogfood" is the Creative Commons feature, which YouTube employees tested themselves.

My brother's friend is mentally handicapped in some way and can't speak, is this autism or something else?

It's a mild form if autism. My boyfriends younger brother has the same thing, he's completely normal but his speech is impaired.

Jazzy. Will you read my poem, if you must?

I see you, atop your vehicle in the Winner's Circle, spraying champagne over the madding throng..... Zeus give light and trans-mitigate Chrysler to it's former glory, so we may see Gio, strapped in his 427 'Cuda, roaring past the checkered flag as the fans (and the Gods) let forth a thunderous roar..... ( Olympus trembles ).

My school want to have me tested for Autism or Asperger syndrome but my parents refuse?

Tell them that it will be more comforting to you knowing if you really do have a condition. Them ignoring the factors is unhealthy and this topic will just keep coming up ending you guys with stressful arguments. I say tell em to just let you take the test and reassure them that you'll be fine with it and if it makes them feel any better convince the people to make it confidential.

Obese person looking for some help?

Well I am obese and I weigh 325 pounds. I am 21 years old and obesity has ruined my social life. Me being obese makes me so sad. I also struggle with emotional eating-really badly. this has been a problem of mine for the longest time and I want to change my life. At times I don't even want to go outside because some people can be so rude. I am not trying to make anyone feel bad for me, I am just seeking for advice. I have suffered for too long being obese and I would finally like to try to change myself. I also have low self esteem due to my obesity and just don't feel good about myself. the hard thing Is me trying to avoid junk food and STICK with my weight loss goals. can you please help me? I am In need of all the help and advice I can get....

Help, my brother raped me?

well, it started last week, my brother started acting very weird around me and started to kiss me alot and hug me and when he did he squeezd my bum- the hugging and kissing thing- i thought nothing of, because we've always been quite close as brothers and sisters, not like normal brother and sister when they fight, we never ever faught with one another. Anyways, late the other night around about 1 in the morning i heard my door creak open, i seen my brother walk towards my bed, i said what you doing up at this time? he said shh! so thats what i did. he crept into my bed and started to rub my boobs and then touched me down below- i'm only 12 and was quite shocked at this, i was going to scream but he covered my mouth, he said he would hurt me if i didn't be quiet. he then raped me for 1 hour. i was worried and so terrified, he was doing everything to me! i don't know who to tell, and i'm really scared incase he does it again and also we were at a family gathering at a resturant and his hand slipped up my leg until he touched me again, i made an excuse to go to the bathroom, he followed me and threated me not to tell anyone. i'm so scared will someone please help me?!

I look like a can I look more girly?

So im 13 and I look like a guy.. I go to Catholic school so we all wear the same uniform but I have really bad acne like REALLY bad and its oily to! I use clay masks 3 times a week and I wash my face and put on acne medicine and rubbing alchohol (rubbing alchohol first then I wait till it dries) I also wear concealer and foundation and primer and a mineral veil.. Ive even tried using bare minerals and Revlon colorstay.. I do use the green concealer for my redniss but during the day it gets so messed up and looks horrible.. I know im using the right color.. And my hair to.. If I get it to straight it looks greasy and I look like a guy.. If I scrunch it it gets poofy (Even if I use an anti frizz serum) and I look like jesus (LOL) Whenever I walk through the hallways I always put my head down.. I have side bangs but idk what I should change to look more like a girl.. our uniform has a skirt... We arent allowed to wear eye liner or mascara or eye makeup or lipstick or accualy.. any makeup (shh) at my school..I do touch up my makeup at school but ughhh I always look like a guy..Please help.. Im about to take a shower so please tell me how I should do my hair for tommorow

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How can i tell my best friend i like her and want to date her if she has a boyfriend?

ok i am in love with my best friend i think i have been for a long time but i just now realized that it's love, but my best friend has a boyfriend i don't think they are made for each other although that's up to them, sometimes when she is talking he says shh so she shuts up, i don't think that is a thing that a boyfriend should do but in fortunately she likes his immature behaviors and still loves him, i can i tell her that i love her and maybe make her fall in love with me, i'm desperate because i love her to much and i hate seeing her with a stupid guy. resuming i want her to drop her boyfriend and be my girlfriend, i know this is a wrong feeling but i can't stop it.

If you changed your religion, what made you feel that you have found "the true religion"?

It has to do with changing principles, or even more so an interest in the spiritual. Most non-spiritual people bother me because they are born into one religion, then after they lose faith/interest they automatically assume that all religions and spiritual paths are false. You cannot have an honest opinion about something without trying it first. I went from Christianity to Occult general just to see what all fuss was about, and I found something amazing. I could never be an anti-spiritualist, because I wish to live forever and because I want to find out if its even possible. I don't buy everything I hear, but if life has no meaning than I would wish to waste it trying to make it indefinite.

Toronto resigning Kaberle?

What do you think the chances are? I say they shouldn't but I hear rumours that they may. Honestly he plays sh*t defensively and then makes his team struggle on the power play cause he never shoots!!!

I'm going on 16, and I feel like I'm wasting my life?

You may have just recited my life exactly! My dad got transferred to out of the country (from USA to greenland) and i have no clue what to do! He never comes home and my mom used to be a teacher but now she has to work in a factory! I have 3 jobs to try to keep a steady in come and i cant relate to anyone here cause its a different culture! I dont have friends and i find my self home alone. BUT what helped me was exercise. I am a fitness freak now and i feel great! Im healthy and I look Just the way i want to. I reccomend you go running or just for a walk once and a while when you have time. It helps clear the mind and it can do a huge number on your mental skills! Before i exercised i didnt do anything but eat sleep and go to work. I dont go to parties and i dont have friends! One thing to rememebr is that its not the end of the world. Life gets better. I am the same age as you, Im an american kid just trying to find his way int he world! You cant live your life thinking about yourself as someone who no one likes. I wish i could be with you through this but this is something you have to do just like i did and am still doing! be thankful for what you have, AND I KNOW YOU DIDNT WANT ALL THIS **** I POSTED BUT I THINK WE ARE IN THE SAME BOAT HERE!!!! But rememeber! You one live once, So make the most of it. Get involved in church and go back to school. It may not sound fun but what you put in now you will get more later, work hard now, play later. Please message me or contact me if you need help, Im in your shoes and I hope things get better!

Jailbreak help :) (Emulater) iPod touch (5 * BEST ANSWER)?

i Downloaded this emulater called Snes9x EX on my jailbroken ipod, my friends say its awesome. But im lost Cuz i dont know how to get games. it says something bout SHH transfer. Im just wondering if i can get some advice, step-by-steps, or links(try and avoid links please) on how to get some games on this thing. (iPod touch 3g 4.2.1)

In Your Opinion, What Will the Result of Immigration Reform Be?

Allow the criminals to become citizens will be the result. Can all of us get a get out of a felony charge for free card? I doubt it, only the illegals will receive one.

What use are housewives, if any?

I asked my wife what she thought of that. Fortunately, she was cleaning her weapons so they were out of action. Now you got her angry, she was unaware that I was taking advantage, she thought we were partners. Now because of you I can't even ask a favor without getting my head bit off. She is going hunting in the morning, maybe that will calm her down.

UGH I SUCK at riding???me venting.........?

You own a horse, and ride 3-4+ times a week?!! That all wouldn't happen if you weren't an a mazing rider, with loads of motivation! Dont be so hard on yourself! So what if you cant get one little move! You'll get it soon with all the motivation you have! Dont give up!! you worked very hard for all this! Dont just let it fall!

Have I created a bad habit or is my son teething again?

Some babies need to be weened off the habit, if it has become a habit. Sometimes you may have to let him cry for awhile. Try giving him a teething ring or something of that sort when he cries and see if that helps.

Why do people have the nerve to talk bad about you , and wont even say it to your face?

okay , this girl in my school named ciara deshotel talks about me and my friends and she wont say it to my face or my friends. i have very nicely asked her many times to stop and she denies that she does it , so i decided i woudnt talk to her again , and or warn her friends that she talks about us . it really hurts my feeling and im really tired of it . she is frightend that she is going to get in a fight next year at school so she is deciding on doing homeschooling instead of public schooling . her mom messaged me on facebook saying that i am a bad person which she dont know me so i dont care what she has to say . she also has no friends at all her mother contacted me recently and said to leave her alone and i said i wasnt bothering her and she also said to leave her friends alone .. so im deciding on who to leave alone because she doesnt have any friends. nobody likes her , she is childish , to faced and fake . now i want her to read this to explain my feelings towards her and to let her no im not dealing with herr shh!!!!!t anymore and by the way lmao she dont hurt my feelings she makes me laff how she just has no life and decides to talk about me , shes broken . she is falling apart , you also may look to add her on facebook and get to know her and see what i am meeaning about how stuck up and dirty she is ..... AND she knows that i said all this because i send it n a message showing it to her so apparently im not the one who is scared , why coudnt u jus tell the truth honestly maybe none of this woud have happend ...

What make egyptian govt. non democratic?

Egypt's government is authoritarian, if it was democratic people would be choosing leaders and run for elections every couple of years. Sometimes to turn a country democratic takes fighting by the people and overthrowing government. Seriously,the process to democracy sometimes involves war!

What does this mean (compliment or criticism)?

When in doubt take it as a compliment. Poetry is a very personal thing. If you find ten people who like what you wrote you will also find ten who don't.

Make-up for combination skin?!?

Revlon PhotoReady is easier to blend than ColorStay. Application is amazing. This foundation blends very will and gives that airbrushed flawless look, and doesn't cake at all. Honestly, I don't see this working very well for dry skin types, because I have flaking on one small area of my face and this accentuated that a bit. I moisturized before however and looked fine. I didn't use a primer, and I still looked flawless/poreless. The finish is very natural. It is matte, which I generally dislike, but it still has a glow, and controls shine. I sweated in this foundation and it still stayed beautiful. That to me is a winner.

How good is my play I wrote (part 1)?

It's not very creative and I don't know anyone who speaks like that. And I really doubt that a teacher would immediately send two girls to the "headmaster's" office for simply passing a note (and who passes notes these days?) And who would say "I'm appalled. . ." unless they were being sarcastic. And Saturday school for a note? And teachers don't call me Miss Lastname, they use my first name.

SHH!! do you hear that?

Its the sounds of a magic unicorn getting ready to mug us all and then slap us with its fuzzy,pink,glittery tail!! Q_Q

Obese person looking for some help?

Well I am obese and I weigh 325 pounds. I am 21 years old and obesity has ruined my social life. Me being obese makes me so sad. I also struggle with emotional eating-really badly. this has been a problem of mine for the longest time and I want to change my life. At times I don't even want to go outside because some people can be so rude. I am not trying to make anyone feel bad for me, I am just seeking for advice. I have suffered for too long being obese and I would finally like to try to change myself. I also have low self esteem due to my obesity and just don't feel good about myself. the hard thing Is me trying to avoid junk food and STICK with my weight loss goals. can you please help me? I am In need of all the help and advice I can get....

What does it mean when...?

Well, I have plans with tthis chick I like for Sunday. We're both poets and she is coming over to read me some of her stuff. I asked her to the movies for earlier today, and she said "yes" and that she wanted to bring a friend. A little bit after she told me she couldn't go. Then, when we were at the theater waiting to go in, she showed up with her friend. I was excited, but she said she couldn't watch the movie because neither of them had enough money. I could only pay for one of them, so they decided not to go. I texted her after the movie saying that I was bummed she was right there but couldn't hang. I invited her to see it another time, but she hasn't responded. I'm starting to feel insecure. Does she want to date me or not?

Boys names ending with a shh sound or 3 syllables that's unusual maybe that means something? ?

I'm just looking or suggestions or a site that I should check out. For an example I like the name Betameche (Be-ta-mesh) and that name's from the movie Arthur and the Invisibles lol I also like Ishmael because it can be shortened to Ish as a nickname. I'm white if that makes a difference. I want an unusual name that is not too crazy and I don't want my baby to be teased.

Who's more evil: Dr. Evil or Scott Evil?

Have you never seen any movie with any evil character. NO evil character kills automatically. They always have to tell them their plans or give them enough time to escape. Therefore, Dr. Evil is more evil-er by default.

How can i help feed the poor?

i would like to open a place where i can feed the homeless and people who are struggling with money but what do you need to do this im 21 and in life i want to accomplish so many thing and this is on my top list along with being an rn ( im going to school) so how can i begin i have volunteered at a food bank but the give you bags of food i want to cook the food thanks

Which maths class should I take?

I am currently in year 10 and making subject choices for years 11 and 12. I currently do 5.3 (top) maths but am very toward the bottom of the class. We have the option of general maths or 2unit maths which is one level above this. I am willing to work quite hard but not willing to struggle exceedingly. Which class would you recommend I take?

What do you think of this scene?

It was actually good in a not totally overbearingly romantic way it just sounded a bit rushed. Hope this helps:)

Cud u plzzzz explain in detail..... who r the speakers in the poem,r there more speaker more than one?.thanxxx?

The poem is one person explaining his thoughts ... Most likely descriptive language ! ... Towards the middle it focuses on a girl and he is talking to someone not Her ! Someone else about her

Esophageal....................… poem...c\c?

I love the title... I also love the way you describe the way poets try to self-inspire. Nice work and I bet the guys love it.

Hiccups and crashing! MineCraft!?

Alright, so I'm one of those many individuals experiencing difficulties while trying to play minecraft. I've been playing around with mods quite a bit lately (shh) and have been experiencing osme hiccups as well as crashing. Is this soley the mod, or is it my computer as well? The game starts up fine, in the first minutes of playing, it is fast. The average fps for the first few minutes is between 90-130. After that, I'm lucky if I can sustain 20 for longer than 3 seconds. It seems like a pretty common issue, as my research has shown. Though, it can be stated that in my case, these problems have not always persisted. Using the same mods, I experienced quite a drastic decrease in lag only earlier today. After reinstalling said mods however, my performance dropped. The first time, with 52 mods, I averaged about 60 fps and experienced no hiccups. Now, with 8 mods, I average 15 fps and hiccup every 3-5 seconds. Any advice or tips on how I can get rid of this? I will try installing the mods again, as well as getting those two performance mods.. the fog and general performance. Past that, I'm not sure what to do. Anything would help. Thanks.

What should I do with my life?

I'm currently a 3rd year student at a community college. I should be able to transfer in two more semesters to 4-year university, but the problem is I always struggle to get good grades and I believe I have learning disability and have hard time understanding in class. The reason I was able to get credits is because those classes are easy but when it comes to major requirements I have a hard time. I want to major in business, however even though I'm not too excited going to major in business, it is my best interest. I took a career class at my community college and it didnt help much. I almost drop out of college because I got academic probation level 1 before. I'm afraid it will happen again and this time I will have to drop out of college and end up working a low wage job. What should I do? Any suggestions?

The opening lines of the poem BEAUTY are:?

'I was at a friend's discussing means and ends'... Can someone tell me the poet's name and upload the complete poem as I have forgotten it.

My best friends sis is a lesbian...?

Its not that I don't like lesbians its just that my best friend has a 17 yr old sis.(BTW I'm a 13 yr old girl.) Anyway 4 weeks ago I went round her house and we were sitting there playing dare, then she went toilet. While she was gone her sis came in only in bra and a thong. She looked at me wiv a smile and then took off her bra! She then came over to me and befor I could push her away, she kissed me! I was like wtf just happened!? Anyway now Wen I go round my best friends house, I try and avoid me bein on my own in a room. but Wen I am she's been doin it again. yesterday she went way way way to far. she came up to me naked!...and started pulling my panties down from under my skirt! I was struggling and I was hitting her saying get away from me and so on. she then put her finger in my hole and finger ****** me! Then she started licking me!!! But the bad thing was I enjoyed it. She brought me to orgasm... She then told me she was a lesbian and that she loved me. But now I'm confused because I'm not a lesbian, and I don't want to be. I feel uncomfortable around her sister, as if she's trying to rape me. But the worst thing is, my best friend doesn't know. Wat should I do??? I've already confronted her 17 yr old sis but she won't listen.

Monday, July 18, 2011

What do you think about my book so far?

New speaker, new paragraph. How many books have you read? Honestly? You need to read way more because no book has the structure you have now. Don't write before you can read. Paragraphs were invented for a reason - use them.

I have a problem involving child support and best intrest. Im the father?

for over 3 years me and my ex have been in a off and on relationship untill her recently we decided to go our seperate ways... mainly because she wasnt mature enough for me she only caused me grief and problems me and her are both 19 so i left her but on our last sexual encounter she got pregenent well... of course i was destroyed... one because i cant stand her i hate her with a burning passion and two because was never mother material she is basicly a 13 year old in a 19 year old body... but anyways my son was born and he is now a year old and right now he has been in and out of the hospital sence he was born idk if its because he has some serious medical problems or if its because my stupid ex neglects him i was able to be there for his birth which i will say was the worst experience of my life not him being born but my exs mother making it the worst... but sence ik i wanted to do the right thing i wanted to be there for my son but my ex made it impossible...i was currently seeing a new girl before he was born and i basicly left her in the dust just so i could be there for my son which required me to somehow make things work with my ex.... it tore me up inside it did... but a week went by and it just wasnt gona work me and my ex constantly faught and i just couldnt do it i never wanted to leave my son but i just couldnt put my son threw constant fighting and that wasnt the type of enviorment i wanted him growing up in so i got back with my new gf that im with currently and happly :) but my ex made things impossible with me seeing and trying to help my son...... i wanted to see my son but every time i would go see my son i would be judged because i wasnt doing someting wrong... and the only thing she wanted to do was try and get in my pants and i wasnt gona do that anymore... i was happy with my new gf and i wasnt gona let her **** that up so i stopped going over to her house to see my son because of her ik that sounds bad but i didnt knw what else to do i wanted to keep seeing my son but i wasnt gona let her keep letting her try and have her way with me i told her that if she ever needed my help with anything to tell me and i would help in any way i could but sence i was with my new gf she didnt wana have nothing to do with me because she hatted my new gf with a passion because she blames her for why me and her never worked out she says she stole me away from her and all this bs so here we are today 6/30/11 me and my new gf are currently expecting :) yes ik im a baby machine but sence i wasnt there for my first son to have the hole experience of being a dad this is a new and exciting experience for me but my ex is making things difficult because she is putting child support on me which i think is bs... because i told her that if she ever needed help i would last chrismas i got my first son like 6 outfits worth of clothing and she rejected them all why idk i offered to give her money for my son if he ever needed anything and when she ever asked me for money it wasnt for him it was for stupid bs like for cigs or for her prom crap or gas and i told her no and over this past year iv seen how she is at being a mom and she is doing horable she constanly is giving him off to other people to watch him while she drives around town for hours doing nothing exept sleeping with guys and hanging out with her friends she hasnt had my son with her for a fulll week sence he was born and now she is putting child support on me and i can almost bet its because she wants money and idk what to do....i am currently unemployed and unable to work because i cant see my eye sight is so horable i cant see anything thats not a foot from my face and me and my gf are struggling as it just trying to make it by with one job untill i can get back up on my feet and ik this sounds bad but i do not wana pay that stupid ***** child support because ik that money wont go to him it will alll go to her and thats not what i want but ik the judge wont care because here in arkansas they protect the mothers more than the fathers and i can understand why but in this case i dont knw what would happen... i dont have money to hire a layer to try and fight for custody so he can be with someone that will at least care for him... and not ditch him off constantly and all of this is just stressing me out bad because idk how the court system works and idk if im doing something wrong or what im suppost to do i just really need some advice from someone more experienced...

What am i supposed to do if i am jailbreaking my iPod and NOTHING will work?

I jailbroke it with blackrain, added cydia, it crashes when it says loading data, I tried to do the SHH thing but it wont go into it, it says Network Error. I have tried to redo the jailbreak but it doesnt even reboot, after geohots image comes up, it goes back to slide to unlock screen. I have no clue what else I need to do! Help!!!!

My mother says I suck at art...?

oh myy gooooooooooossssssssh your art is amazing, the detail in your work is stunning you should keep drawing

How to know when to drop a course?

I'm debating whether to drop my photography course. I'm struggling with learning the camera functions and using them effectively. I'm really better at writing/analyzing things, my other two courses are English & History courses, which I'm not really worried about. It would be good to learn but I'm afraid I'll blow it and I can't really afford the blow to my GPA. I have until tomorrow to drop it without any record of it and to get all my money back.

Need new 2011 songs, my itunes/ipod is boring me?

wth. haven't you ever heard of "classics"????? But excuse me for little miss prippy who only wants the latest hit. Go listen to real music.

I'm a poet/writer/song writer and my work is very good.?

My 17 year old step brother asked me i he could touch my feet?

That is really weird... If it makes you uncomfortable tell him and if he still doesn't stop then tell somebody else its as simple as that. You shouldn't let people do things to you that you don't want them to do, even if they cry, it doesn't matter. If you don't like it, or want it to happen then they have to accept and respect that. No means no regardless of anything else.

Is this a good way to start a story?

I LOVE how you started out in the middle of something! This holds so much emotion and it beautifully written. The only thing I would change are the last two sentences.

I like this girl a long time ago, Help?

Give her some space, and tell her the truth. Tell her that you were just nervous talking to her. She'll love it.:)

Should I tell my mom my sister was speeding?

My sister just turned 16, got liscines, started driving alone. She told me that on our street, where the speed limit is 30, she went 95. Then she told me SHH don't tell. But I feel like I should tell, cause that is dangerous. She has already speed with me in the car ( only like 10 over) what would you do? I'm 14

I am reading a novel "pride and prejudice" by Jane Austen. I am struggling with these lines in capter 8.?

When Darcy replied to Miss Bingley at the end of chapter "to whom this remark was chiefly addressed, 'there is meanness in all the arts which ladies sometimes condescend to employ for captivation. Whatever bears affinity to cunning is despicable.' Could anyone please help me to explain the meaning?


If you have never been sexually active, it's likely you don't have any "real" disease. Take a shower and head to Planned Parenthood. They'll give you an exam and send you home with some stuff to put on it most likely. To prevent this kind of thing in the future, keep yourself clean, shower after you exercise, don't wear jeans that are too tight, and change your underwear every day.

Friend PROBLEMS, Help?

There's this girl I really like back in elementary school, I am now a freshmen in High school and so is she. I haven't seen or talk to her in over 4-5 years because I moved far away. Just recently I found her Facebook just by typing her first name in (lucky right?) and we started talking. She sounds so uninterested, shes giving me simple answers. Not what I was hoping after I thought me and her actually had a good friendship (we did). But I effed up, BIG time. I asked my friend and he gave me a stupid advice though he did not intend too. My friend is a poet/rapper so the he wanted me to tell her "You remember me but you don't want too". Bad idea, I got so desperate and typed that... After hours of realizing that was the dumbest thing to say, I quickly said "Oh wow, my friend told me to tell you this, stupid advice, sorry" and later she responded ">____>". SO basically I messed up, I got help from a good friend of mine who happens to be a girl, she told me to ask her "So hows it going?". She did not respond and totally ignored my message. Now my female friend is telling me that I should give her some space... I should have just left it the way it was! I wish I can go back in time and just end it when it ended, not go on with my friends. DANG!!!!!!!! Help???

My boyfriend and i see each other pretty much 24/7 and yet we never fight..normal?

We've been living together for two months now officially but I've been practically living with him for the past seven-eight months. We also work together on the same shift and see each other quite a bit there including taking all our breaks together. Somehow we just get along without trouble. I get slightly annoyed about somethings and weve started talking about it (I struggle with explaining my feelings) but we never fight about it and things just keep getting better.. i have moments where i freak out just because I have slight commitment issues but I know I want to be with him.

What do u think about my poems ?!?!?

wow your only 13 you are a amazing poet i cant rank somthing that has came for the hart and bean filled with full emotion you should try and get these published as they are amazing and imagine what you will be like when your older some how you will be even better keep it up m8 you are amzingly awesomely awesome poet

Three questions about my cat's behavior?

They are right about the other questions, but PLEASE do NOT get your cat de-clawed! In some European countries it is even illegal. De-clawing is not just removing the claws- it is actually an amputation of bone! It is a very painful surgery, with very painful recovery. The cat's claws are an important part of its body design. Some owners notice personality changes after this very serious operation. It is not to be taken lightly. It does hurt the cat, they hide pain very well. My cat never fully got over his de-clawing (I regret it so much) and he still will lift his paws as if they are agitated. I feel lucky that that was the only side effect he has had. You can get soft nail caps to put over the claws, learn to trim the nails, or take it to a vet to get the nails clipped.

Do you think this sounds like it will work out?

it sounds good but apt can be real expensive. and you also need food, lights water and gas and renters insurance. you may want a room mate or a effenice.

How can I block a specific persons status updates and always appear online to that person?

I have an ex who I still speak too, but I am struggling getting over. I don't want to delete her from Facebook. because she has done me no wrong, and I think in the future we could be friends, but right now Its very difficult. So all I want to do is make it so I don't see her status updates and that I always appear offline to her. How do I go about doing that?

Why are so many Australians anti muslim?

I'm Australian and from a Muslim family but I'm blond and blue eyed so I look like stereotypical "Aussie" so I see the discrimination against Muslims since no one thinks I am one whats the go with that? oh and I'm secretly gay but shh I'm not out

Wouldn't life be grand without those union thugs?

I don't work in a mine because I have a brain. Life would be far better if about 90% of the human race disappeared. Would not need coal or unions.

Do you think poetry becomes necessary?

In a way, everyone needs poetry all the time. But some people do not realize this and others do realize it but feel it is insignificant. Much depends on how you define "poetry" and "necessary". To me, a sunset is a poem, a flower is a poem, and even a soft, cool breeze, on a warm day, is a poem. So, does anyone NEED these things? Obviously, we need air and sunlight to survive. But do we need to see that these things are beautiful, to survive? Probably not. But still if you do see the beauty and the poetry in life, then life becomes a richer, more fulfilling experience. If you want your life to be rich and fulfilling, then you need (good) poetry in your life. Otherwise, you don't need poetry. But the poetry is still there, anyway.

Sex!!!!!!!!with my vagina?

now that i got ur attention, pls help,me and my cousin have been having sexual attention an like every time i go on facebook an c something that he posted im just lost in his words i mean he really tries to b a great poet an he kinda is but hes also kinda really bad but he has like a million friends an he could get any girl he wants. last weekend we were up north with family an when we were there we went swimming and im not sure but i think he was checking me out and we rented a movie a scary one not to him but to me i dont know i mean i like kinda start flirting but in a way where no one would notice it i suck at flirting by the by an i think hes flirting with me were not close but hes been trying to speak to me more an right now on another window im on facebook and im waiting for him to come on i dont want incest well it wouldnt really be cuz were really related i really want more though i mean i never felt this way about a bf what do i do im really confused i mean i know there really is no problem but if u see the point i mean pls help with real oopinionand try to answer with a lot of words if u u know what i mean. sorry if i used text language im in a rush

Work place harrassment?

does any one have any advice about my problem. i started a new job at a very nice retirement home in my town. i am a new graduate LPN and I have been hired as a medication aide until I receive my nursing license. i have started two days ago and am being trained. the people that are training me found out that i am in school to complete my RN, they are training me in a way that makes me feel unwelcome there. they continue to talk and talk about a simple task that is very easy for me but they continue to talk about the task so much that i get confused and can not concentrate on something so simple. but once the nursing director is around they are very nice to me like a different person. i find this so coniving. i walked by the nurses office where they were all sitting and i heard one person say how long do you think she's going to last? and then another girl said "shhh.." "shh.." once she saw me coming. i think that i want to stay working here, the only thing is that i am a nurse and i am being treated very badly by the people that I will eventually supervise, and no one else sees whats going on and what can i tell the nursing director, "they are talking to much about the task that i cannot focus on doing it." another part of the situation is that i am the only non- white person working in the entire building, all of the residents are also white. i do not know if this has something to do with it as well. any advice please.

What does it mean when...?

Well, I have plans with tthis chick I like for Sunday. We're both poets and she is coming over to read me some of her stuff. I asked her to the movies for earlier today, and she said "yes" and that she wanted to bring a friend. A little bit after she told me she couldn't go. Then, when we were at the theater waiting to go in, she showed up with her friend. I was excited, but she said she couldn't watch the movie because neither of them had enough money. I could only pay for one of them, so they decided not to go. I texted her after the movie saying that I was bummed she was right there but couldn't hang. I invited her to see it another time, but she hasn't responded. I'm starting to feel insecure. Does she want to date me or not?

Have you ever noticed this in poetry section?

You bring up an interesting point. I of course don't have the answer but I'm wondering if they (the officials) are looking to appeal to a large audience. It seems like there are so many writing sites on the net but none as much fun as here, I try to figure out why that is and one reason is the e-mail notification of posting - 2 is winning best answer - the fun of camaraderie but mostly it's the diverse personalities of the poets; but still the returning "group" seems small. I enjoy answering and reading the younger group also, it's good to see the passion will live on even if the group seems small.

Would i make a good teacher (characteristics?)?

Working with children, it's either love or hate, there isn't any in between. You either love it or hate it! Also, the term "bratty" is quite telling as to how you feel about this. Sure, kids have bad days, but us teachers that truly love our jobs, don't use that term.

What branch requires more thoughness than Intelligence?

I am a sophomore in high school! And I'm planning on joining the military. I am one of those guys who's really tough, but not as much intelligence. My goal is to become one of the best and join the Special Forces. I could probably make it through physically, but I would struggle intelligently. Is there a unit or something that would be perfect for people like me?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Poets please help i need songs!?

i am a country music singer. I was dating my song writer byt we recently broke up and now i have lost the right to those songs. So i am now accepting poems to use for my songs. Please email a poem that you have wrote to or put it in your answer. Then leave your email address and if i ever become famous and sing your song i will need to be able to contact you. thanks

RHH: Rate/Hate my latest verse?

Hey, MC Mastermind never sent in his verse against Backpack so the battle fell apart. I feel bad though because he wrote two verses and didn't get to use either of them. Would you mind facing him one on one?

I want to become an actress. Please help?

Hello, my name is brittany and i'm 15. I want to become an actress, not for the fame, money, or none of that crap. I want to becnme an actress because i feel like i have talent, and i want to show off my talent. Its been my dream since i was younger to become an actress, and everyday there's this voice that i hear telling me that im suppose to be a actress, and thats my destiny. Problem is, my family is struggling at the moment, and i dont have the money for a acting coach, or agent, or nothing. I did hear something about Drama universities and i would like to attend there in the near future but i dont know if Georgia or Florida has any. So if you could help me with that, that would be helpful. back to the acting, i feel i can really do this, and everybody says i have the potential but i dont know where to begin. When you answer this question please give me some really good answers and not just 3 sentence answers. Im really serious about this and want this very badly so i would love you guys help. Thank you

I need some new bands. Help!?

The reason you are looking for new bands is because the ones you like now suck, Start over and you might discover something new. :)

I need advice from boys!!! or girls who knows guys please help!?

im 19 years old and i never had a bf i have been on dates and stuff but im wanna relationship! attracted to dark skin guys or nerds or musicians/poets with a sort of bob marley/shwayze/hippie look BUT i always attract guys who are either white/hispanic/indian or guys who r half black or guys who think they r God's gift to women and superficial stupid guys. no offense but i prefer african americans yet they NEVER tlk to me idk if its because of my cuban and haitian w/green eyes and everyone says i look like tyra banks or a stuckup sick of hearing tht and im sick of tyra i DO NOT try to mock her UGH!!!. i am into fashion but i shop at cheap places like forever 21 wet seal and H &M nothing fancy and i like to show my legs but i am not a stuckup conceited bimbo whore model and i dnt even wear makeup!..anyways i always try to tlk to the guys im into but they never think im interested in tht kind of hurts my feelings :( and i want to know how to show them tht i am trying to be more than friends so please approach can i do this without changing me? and i do have personality so whats wrong??

Why can i sing high notes so easily when i have a sore throat?

at times i can easily belt really high notes, and i can always sing in my whistle register range when i have a sore throat. i've read everywhere that people struggle with sore throats, why am i having the opposite effect?

William Wordsworth help!?

Take a look to Wordsworth Wikipedia page, and from there, you can follow some useful external links to the poet's work and information you need.

What was the cause of his death?

I had a parrot for two years who died on sunday night. Prior to this he was diagnosed with a wound problem (down below), which he kept picking on and thus had to wear on a collar to prevent this. He seemed his usual self, talking and quite content. However my parrot was found at the bottom of his cage. He was struggling to breathe, i tried to give him water. But all i heard was a scream and than instantly he died. Now i have been told there was a fly killer room fragrance, that placed near him. Could this have killed him. Im so confused and upset.

Will you comment on something I wrote?

But I have a book of love poems that I need contyributers for! It comes out next Valentines Day. It is called the 'Go Hang Yourself' collection.

Dead Poet's Society Questions?

Obviously you did not like my first answer to you where I pointed out how ineffective was your method os questioning. Did you change your format to encourage a better answer? No you didn't. You just re-posted the same post.

Brecht once said competitive sport starts where healthy sport ends. What do you think?

He was a German poet who smoked cigars and died in 1956 so probably knew little about the issues facing modern sport or health for that matter.

Why are people so self-centred help?

thats high school today, join em. get a boyfriend or a boy to make out with and they might hear what you have to say.

Please Help! Sorry about the length. I like this lady at my job, should I tell her or just give up?

There's this lady I work with, I'm 18 and she can't be any older than 24. She has a bf and maybe some kids. When I first started talking to her she seemed shy and barely said a word to me. I felt that I made a bad impression so I went to her desk and just started some casual talk and I got her to giggle, I built on that and eventually had her smiling and opening up. About 2 days later I went to pick something up from her desk and I thought "hey let's catch up". I then asked her about her day and she told me how she was all tired and its been long and yada yada, I then said don't get tired before our first date, obviously just kidding as this was only our second interaction, and she laughed and then said "you're so cute" I figured she was just being nice, she has a bf. The next day I came into work and she greeted me, I was surprised because she's usually quiet. Later that day I told her i'd switch my position so that we could talk more often and become better friends, she asked when would I make the move, I then said "i see you can't get enough of my charismatic charm." she then smiled and said don't get big-headed. I then lightly brushed my hand across hers and she didnt move away, just gave me a shy smile. I figure she knows I have feelings for her but doesn't want to do anything to hurt me or more importantly her boyfriend. Now I figure that since she has kids she may feel obligated to stay with her bf but is hurt inside by her relationship with him hence her seemingly sad nature when we first met, going back to the moment, after I made a physical move and she smiled, she answered my joke about moving positions earlier saying, she wanted a bonnie and clyde dynamic, besides murder and crime I think bonnie and clyde had a romance going on. She's really nice to me, she greets me, we joke and flirt, whenever there's a heavy work load she apologizes even though it's not her fault and it means alot, she's honest and caring. One day I was clocking in from lunch as she was leaving for home and she seemed really sad like sadder than I've ever seen her, I had asked her what was wrong and she said she had a headache. I left it that, but I began to wonder if something was going on with her kids or bf. She was really shooken up. I offered a tylenol for her headache and she declined saying. Her home was close by, she asked when would be the next time I worked and we talked for a quick minute. As we parted I told her it'll all be okay I'm here if you need me anytime. She then smiled slightly while saying "cute and a poet". She then left as I told her to be safe going home. And lastly, later that night I texted my friend about her and she replied with "Don't get your hopes up, I don't want to see you hurt." So I don't know what I should do. I know dating in the workplace can be dangerous, and she has a bf, and the whole time she may not have had feelings other than co-workers and friends, but there can some chance out there that she may have feelings for me, again prolly not. I just need to know if I should just come out directly and let her know how I feel regardless of the outcome or if I should just drop this infatuation. I've given loads of that about the good an the bad outcomes and rejection, I just need help deciding if I should ask for her number, go to dinner and do fun stuff or should I back off completely. I also do respect boundries of her bf but she seems to be keen to the thought of us. I've also weighted the thought of other guys trying to get with her but I can only control me. Any answer will be greatly appreciated and thank you all for your help and I apologize for the length.

What the ____ is this?!?

a href=""…/a

What do the movies Dead Poets Society, Renaissance Man, and Awakening have in common?

My teacher tells me these three movies have one common theme. What's your opinion and what do you think is the main theme?

Guess what my favorite football team is?

my team has struggled past years had one good year from 2007 and on pretty good under rated defense and decent running backs make bad draft picks and have a horrible qb with no potential one star wr with alot of talent and another decent wr

Romeo and Juliet fill in the blanks?

0 speak again bright ANGEL, , for you are as glorious to this NIGHT, being over my HEAD (up at the window) as is an angel of HEAVEN is to WONDERING EYES who look up and see him when he walks on the CLOUDS and sails on the AIR.

My brother's friend is mentally handicapped in some way and can't speak, is this autism or something else?

I think he has a speech dis order. I knw some1 that has the exact thing but he can sing clearly. :) a lot of people suffer from that, it can be cured by visiting a speech therapist.

Do I have a learning disability?

Lately I began to think that I have a learning disability. I always have trouble understanding in class and sometimes I have a hard time understanding people conversation. Most of the time when I talk to people I sometimes tell them to repeat what they said. When people told me to repeat the sentences or summarize what they said, my sentences doesnt make sense. I was born and raise here in the United States and Chinese was my first language. It wasnt until first grade that my parents told me to stop speaking Chinese and start speaking English because I didnt speak like an American born. Whenever I read a book I have hard time understanding it. I even reread a paragraph so many times and still I dont understand. I never liked reading when I was a child so I didnt have a foundation. Sometimes I understanding, sometimes I dont. The reason I'm struggling is it because I dont try my best or is it because I really have a learning disability? Do I really have a learning disability? Is there any cure? I believe having a learning disability is ruining my life

5 1/2 Month Old Stopped Sleeping Through The Night?

My 5 1/2 month dd started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks. Once she reach 5 months, she has now started waking 2-3 times a night. She is not crying. She usually has her feet in the air trying to grab them when I go into her room. She's babbling loudly and yelling. Not really upset. It is loud enough that I cannot sleep. I was going in and rubbing her cheek and shhh shh shhhing her and she would go back to sleep for a couple hours. The past couple nights I have started nursing her again which gets her to sleep another 4 hours or so which is better then waking every 2 hours or so. She doesn't seem in pain so not sure if teething is the cause. Has this happened to anyone else? I am so tired I feel like I'm going looney. I work full time so no sleep is rough. Help!

5 1/2 Month Old Stopped Sleeping Through The Night?

My 5 1/2 month dd started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks. Once she reach 5 months, she has now started waking 2-3 times a night. She is not crying. She usually has her feet in the air trying to grab them when I go into her room. She's babbling loudly and yelling. Not really upset. It is loud enough that I cannot sleep. I was going in and rubbing her cheek and shhh shh shhhing her and she would go back to sleep for a couple hours. The past couple nights I have started nursing her again which gets her to sleep another 4 hours or so which is better then waking every 2 hours or so. She doesn't seem in pain so not sure if teething is the cause. Has this happened to anyone else? I am so tired I feel like I'm going looney. I work full time so no sleep is rough. Help!

A little bit of a family problem, help?

me and my cousin have been having sexual attention an like every time i go on facebook an c something that he posted im just lost in his words i mean he really tries to b a great poet an he kinda is but hes also kinda really bad but he has like a million friends an he could get any girl he wants. last weekend we were up north with family an when we were there we went swimming and im not sure but i think he was checking me out and we rented a movie a scary one not to him but to me i dont know i mean i like kinda start flirting but in a way where no one would notice it i suck at flirting by the by an i think hes flirting with me were not close but hes been trying to speak to me more an right now on another window im on facebook and im waiting for him to come on i dont want incest well it wouldnt really be cuz were really related i really want more though i mean i never felt this way about a bf what do i do im really confused i mean i know there really is no problem but if u see the point i mean pls help with real oopinionand try to answer with a lot of words if u u know what i mean. sorry if i used text language im in a rush

Can't stop staring at people. OCD/Social anxiety, both?

I always feel really awkward when people stare at me on buses and trains so I can understand where your coming from.. You should just try looking out the window and letting your mind go, but keep the window as a visual barrier for where you cant look past..

I just found a facebook comment on my gf's wall asking of she has broke up with me yet?

so im in high school and me and my girl friend were able to finally go on a date (her parents approved finally) so we take a picture together and we both make it our profile pic. so the next day its a pic of her and another guy together at a movie theater and i asked her about it and she said that they were just friends hangin out. So i understand and then a few days later i find a comment by the same guy in the photo on her wall that said "So have you broke up yet?" and then she replied "you idiot this is public!" and he was all like "oh yeah shh" and they never deleted the comments. I feel so torn. I feel kinda dumb because i should have figured before this with all of the clues. i don't know what to do.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Plzzz can u make this letter into a descriptive one and check the grammar mistake?

This is my place, a low cement wall set close to an office tower where i always see business people coming out from there to eat their lunch. in the summer i see families and business people gather a round a concrete pool to eat their lunch, now its november fountains are closed i only see dead leaves being pushed by the cold winter. i smell the Coffee in the morning, it is strong, smooth, creamy and aromatic. when people fin shh their work i start to hear lecturing about their plans for dinner which always makes me feel so hungry i could eat winter arrives i begin to feel the hard t beneath as i beg for money.i humiliate dd as i start my day to beg for money for food. i always get this feeling that people are scared and frightened of me because homeless boy. people think that i will steal anything from them also feel embraced when people me mignorantkk but i want to touch the money in my bucket. my life a my mouth smells like garbage for not brushing it for long enough. homeless life has been alwayvery tough endeared.intervene have free reater to drink. i even started to taste the dryness in my mouth instead ofdastardliness'ss food.

My project is on indian freedom struggle(1905-1935) ,can some one please help me to design the cover for it?

i want to make my cover creative , may be little artistic and something different make it look bit historical

Pains in my hip causing me problems!!?

When I was younger I had a dislocated hip so i've its always been weak but over the past few months it has been really painful that bending down and walking up the stairs is a struggle. I'm experiencing shooting pains and its usually on a night after a day at college or work, it feels heavy as well and even my knee seems tense sometimes :( i'm off to the hospital tomorrow to get it x-rayed, expecting the worse. What do you think it is? i don't do sports or the gym either.

Smart phone trouble...not fair?

Hey, ok, last year my dad got a blackberry. he didnt know there was a buy one get one free deal (plus the $30 smartphone fee). then my mom got a blackberry. She'd found out about the buy one get one and decided to let my sister have it who at the time was 16 and she told me that since i had to wait i could get ANY and i mean ANY phone i wanted (I decided i'd want the droid 2) SOOOOOO.... upcame my upgrade and i was told that i no longer could have my own smartphone! im 14 and i still struggle with the fact that i was promised something and then was denied that. Im left with my dads old work phone that messes uup quite often and sucks the battery too quick. Christmas is what im waiting for now. Ok so my sister has the iPod touch 3rd gen and I have 4th gen and shes in love with my ipod shes got her heart set on having mine sooooo I think itd be a great time to bring up me getting a smartphone preferrably iphone. What's your opinion on this whole ordeal? whos right whos wrong? What SHOULD happen next? Thank you

Christians: please help me here?

I am struggling so bad with this issue. I am so sick of seeing men degrade women and call them names for sleeping around. Well a lot of men that call women names are sleeping around themselves. That's a sin right to sleep around when not married? Fornication? So then why do men feel they have the right to judge women who sleep around because in a biblical sense they are both sinners for sleeping around and both in need of repenting. So why does society glorify a man and say "high five man you got her nailed" when in all reality he is a sinner to and so is his supportive friends. That bothers me so much is how a sinner can condemn another sinner who is lusting and having sex just like he is. Am I right?

6 month old kitten howling in the middle of the night! help!?

I have rescued little Sookie from this boy who was tossing her around like a rag doll when she was only 3 weeks old. She has been very independent and obedient at a very young age, every one adores her! She is now 6 months old and because of my neighbor getting renovations done, I have stopped letting her out. My vet has also instructed me to not let her out because she has the indoor vaccine done. I rather she stay inside than play in the sand at the renovation site, she gets really dirty and the dust she brings home. 3 days of being stuck at home, now in the middle of the night she howls for hours! I have only owned male cats and none of them ever did this. Sookie sleeps with me every night but it's becoming unbearable since she is waking me up every hour. At this moment it's 6am and only now she is at my feet asleep because I kept going "sookie shh!".. She hasn't been spayed yet, she is due for a booster shot next week, and her vet has said after the vaccine we'll give it a month and arrange for the operation. Is she mad at me for grounding her? Or is she in heat? Help please! She's "talking" way too much now days. Big thanks! Xoxo

Book Title or The Author's Name?

I can't remember the title of a book I read when I was younger. I remember the cover had a black cat on a hill, and was mostly black and green. The story had to do with witchcraft and resurrecting the dead. I also remember one of the character was a poet.

Im writing a book, i need a good title.?

its about me, kind of. its based off of me, just a little bit different. its about a teen who has functional depression and is trying to live a normal life, yet finds herself loosing loved ones and best friends. there are many twists and turns of fate. on top of it all, she is struggling with a complicated love life. its pretty much Generic to you guys, but it really means a lot to me. its kind of like a journal by me.

Translate this from English to Italian?

The Poet talks about love from one side , the poet loves a girl who doesn't love him back , she later falls in love with a guy and he loves her back , the poet accused the guy of stealing the heart of the girl he loves and his horse . they both come to an agreement where they both fight and the winner gets the girl and the horse , The Poem ends with both men fighting describing them as rabid dogs with red eyes

Is it because i'm sensitive or a daydreamer?

I'm a sensitive teenager and i felt like i was bipolar because i would be sad over things i would have seen or heard. Such as going to a funeral of someone i wouldn't know much but it's like i put myself in their shoes and i become sad like i was actually them. Or a sad song or a song about somebodies life about their struggles especially rap has made me sad before it hasn't made me depressed though but i don't feel as active, or as excited, happy, and i just like sitting there like whatever it was i was thinking of had happened to me even though it hasn't or even come close. No song has made me happy, angry, or anything else just sad but not depressed. I think it makes me daydream because i don't realize what things are going on in my personal life when my mood changes to these subjects, songs and unfortunate events of someone i do or do not know.

What does (Shh! - Internal Dogfood) mean?

YouTube has introduced a new Creative Commons license option, meaning users can allow their videos to be remixed and reused by other users. The term "dogfood" refers to a product or feature tested by the company itself. In this case, the "dogfood" is the Creative Commons feature, which YouTube employees tested themselves.

How can I deal with loud/obnoxious/mean cubicle neighbors?

Stand right by her desk and start yelling into your cell phone whenever she starts yapping too loud. When she asks you what you're doing, just say "I'm just following your example". She should get the hint.

HARD POEM QUESTION please answer?

he presents it well, the thing about poetry is its telling a story of what someone believes and some people feel threatened because they are not true to themselves. So the easiest way of approaching something that you feel threatened by is by "beating it"

Where can I find English translations of Stanislas de Guaita's work?

Looking for English translations of the French poet and novelist Stanislas de Guaita. If anyone knows a website with the translation or a place to purchase them online I would be very grateful.

I think I am pansexual, opinions?

I seem to be a pansexual, according to the definition. But at times I doubt if I really fit into the lgbt community or just admire it. This is probably just my insecurities, but I figured I would ask opinions. I am a 24 year old female, who isn't very feminine, but isn't androgynous by any means. Yes I know gender identity is different than sexuality, but I thought I would briefly start with it. At times I think about wanting to cut my hair into a cute boyish cut but have never acted on it. Growing up I always envied guys that had long hair, even though I had long hair, because mine didn't make the same statement there's did. I always have envied men that dress up in drag, thinking how fun it would be to dress up like Dr. Frank N Furter (having to be a man dressing as a woman to pull it off). I am very sexually and athestically attracted to men that wear make-up and that have an androgynous appearance and temperament. I have struggled with being sexually attracted to women. I have had small crushes on women but never been in love with one, or had sex with one. I have enjoyed making out with a couple though, and if watching porn, its always the woman I look at NEVER the guy. The point of watching it to me IS to see the woman. I am also attracted to androgynous women. And yes I am emotionally and sexually attracted to a typical gendered man as well, but its more the vanilla in the bunch if you know what I mean. I have been in love with two men in my life. I also feel very intuned with people that are transgendered. I only know two in real life, but one of them I have have romantic feelings for, to the point where I think I could fall in love with her. She is a MTF transsexual, that is living as a woman. We have kissed and had sex, but we are more emotionally attracted to each other than anything, and tend to focus our relationship around a very strong friendship that developed very quickly.

How much is an autograph of a poet worth?

I have a book of Mark Strand poetry and there is an inscription and signature by him. Depending on if it is worth it I am willing to sell it but I would like to know how much people would pay for it. Thanks!

Can anyone give me advice on how to study better for college?

I am starting my 2nd year at a community college this fall. I did not study the best last year, but my GPA is still a 3.4 and I don't want it to go back to a 2.0. I want to try to keep my grades to As and Bs this year and I need to learn to study harder. I am taking a history and gov. on the same days. On the other days I'm taking English Comp. and Math. English is my easiest subject, but I struggle in history. Can anyone give me advice on how to study well so I can pass my tests? Last year I failed most tests in history, because I think I was studying the wrong way and ended up dropping the class

Weird dream plz help wat can it mean?

Where I remember from we are at a mall I have glimpses of angrinon mall but then I don’t know because we are in the store the dollar store my sister has gone to the bank I am with my mother in the dollar store I see some people I know at the restaurant across (glimpse of reality there is no restaurant across from dollar store). I ask my mom if I can go to see my sister at the bank she says fine. I go to the restaurant wave then go to the bank to see my sister I see her from outside but she tells me to go away so I go up the escalator glimpse there is no escalator in angrinon mall it is a very long escalator everyone is on one side I try and run up the escalator on the other side buh I almost fall and my ipod slips out of my hands, I grab the ear phones and carefully pick it up as I look down there are many floors so I am not sure wat mall im at anymore because there is only one floor to angrinon I almost fall too but I balance as I get up I have arrived at the floor I walk a few steps and I fall I look at the ground and I fall on a window like floor like the ones on the cn tower the glass floors that it once again my ipod is on the floor I pick it up and as I do that I see feet hear someone’s voice I look up it is my exbestfriends mom j switch I somehow end up at their house I am compatured there by her father although I am not kept like I am being held captive I can walk around the house all I want I meet my other friend there I look at her surprised asking her wat she is doin here she is normally playing with her blackberry scrolling threw it ( reality she does not have a phone) I want to live I start to plot my escape, we are eating and as we are we are eating ostrich ?!? as we do that one of that move and bok like their alive immediately I spit it out realizing that I only eat chicken and my friend looks at me I really want to escape I tell this to my friend she just nods, I walk into the parents room the dad is asleep hes the one that brought me here! He is sleeping in the moms lap, I ask her and she tells me to shh I have my jacket on and my shoes I am about to leave but I don’t want to? Or he wakes up before i realize I can leave the mother shows me and my friends our rooms there are 2 beds with princess sheets on them and then we hear my exbff coming inform outside she is getting out of her car and her dad is very happy that she has someone now. wat can this dream mean plz help tha\nk you

How is d poem a river-a.k.ramanujan;a satire on the attitude of people in their everyday life?

bring out the literary devices such as irony & repitation used by the poet to bring out his point

Do I have crabs? Please help im really scared?

Wow girl, cool down, go talk to your mother, then go to a doctor, then if she believes you are sexually active, go to a gynecologist. Don't try to fix things on your own.

My honda civic gives me a SHH-SHH-SHH noise as i start to accelerate 1-20 mile speed in the morning.?

This will reduce much when i drive few miles. my dealer says its the brake pads being rusty,gives such a noise which will go off eventually. .This is a car that was lying with dealer for sale in a garage for few months, so dealer says it is all about rusty break. Is it normal?

How can I improve my lap times on f1 2010 PC version?

Hi guys, I'm using keyboard,auto brake off,traction control medium, abs off and I'm struggling to drive the f1 car....I'm a pretty good driver though, nailed Grid or Nfs series....but f1 is way different.The main problem is the cars spins horrible when taking agressive an apex....especially Monza and Monaco...for instance my Best time on Montreal is like 1.14 , and at Monza 1.22 .Playing in the career mode on EASY, I never won a best time was like 5th.......tried different car setups......but no succes...

I don't want something serious, yet...!?

As deep as the Ocean, Just be yourself and if you feel like kissing a guy one at a time OK, or your grounded.

Should i be happy or scared..?

If you look at my questions from like 9 months ago, i was pregnant, but unfortunately i had a miscarriage. D: I'm 13 and now i am 3 months pregnant, should i be happy or should i be scared. the doctors said they don't know the possibilities of me having another miscarriage? Me and Pedro (the dad) have been together for like a year too. also don't call me stupid. please. shh.

What do you think about this? Comments?

A few weeks ago I tried to kill myself by popping a hand full of tylenol. I messed up my insides real bad and now I see a therepist and physitrist. I am now on anti-depressants. I am also losing alot of weight real quickly, I have made myself puke before an'd I hardly eat (if I can get away with it).. My mother and therepist are concerned about my eating habits and my friends mother says if I dont start eating better Im going to get sick. Im a self-harmer, I burn, cut, snap rubber bands against my like skin, push pins into my skin, sometimes i get people pissed off so they'll hit me. I made a promise to my therepist that I wont harm but I broke that the very same night. I have been "struggling" with depression for about a year Ig and have been a self-harmer for like that long 2. I am losing friends quickly because they think Im trouble and I dont have such a good reputation right now. i get teased for trying to kill myself hurtting myself and for being on pills. I have smoked and drank. Im emo/goth by the way. Oh and Im about to be 14. What do you think of this? If you were my bf would you dump me or stay with me?

Is this a good way to start a story?

Like Athiest Writer said, it is good to start in the middle of action- it keeps people interested and wants them to keep reading. I would read this.

Who can amend this short essay for me?

you would like to say that the most interesting news in recent days is the celebration of the Dragon Boat Festival in my city. There were several interesting activities in the celebration.

My breasts are producing tooooo much milk !?

it's not a good idea to bottle your own milk the cows are always tested for everything and you're not.

My boyfriend and i see each other pretty much 24/7 and yet we never fight..normal?

We've been living together for two months now officially but I've been practically living with him for the past seven-eight months. We also work together on the same shift and see each other quite a bit there including taking all our breaks together. Somehow we just get along without trouble. I get slightly annoyed about somethings and weve started talking about it (I struggle with explaining my feelings) but we never fight about it and things just keep getting better.. i have moments where i freak out just because I have slight commitment issues but I know I want to be with him.

What comic book character wears a completely white suite and a bloody smile?

I think the cover of the comic has a completely white character with a bloody smile on his face (a la Joker in The Dark Knight) and a bloody hand up to his face in a "shh" gesture.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Need male adult advice :(?

First id like to say i am in a relationship (albeit a dead one with no appreciation for me and its more we use each other more than anything) for 4 years. i started working at a gas station a few months ago that has a restaurant in it, and in that food joint theres is a gorgeous man. He and I started to flirt alot and then his buddy got in on it. Kind of like im a trophy to be won between them but i dont know how guys work (hence im here). It turns out that he allso has a girlfriend that hes happy with with a 1 yr old (mine is almost 5) and that wed be nothing more than friends, which i can dig because its obvious its alot on the sexual side. Things between he and I have been escalating over the past month, and id sneak away while my current bf works late hours to hang out at my store and goof off in the back with my hunk-o-rama and the other guy (who like, loves me but hes not my type it sucks) until i have to pick him up from work. But over the past two days hunk and I have been really taking to a new level with some rated R petting behind the building (not X yet). he was so into me and i was into him that i consented into letting him see me with half my clothes on. i also let him talk me into going south for the winter >.>. so i worked this evening and he wouldn't even look at me, mumbled hey to me as i waved and pretty much just blew me off for the whole 2 hours i was working. i went back to get a burrito and he was making food all crazy scowling but when i asked him wtf happened he slapped a smile on his face and said nothing. i asked if he got in trouble or something; he said no and 'shh'd me in front of MY coworkers. either way he was hiding from me and i can tell something was up. i feel like my slightly out of shape body with stretch marks may have scared him away but i cant be for sure and I just want some advice on a few things like how should i confront him about this? should I just let it fall by the wayside and ignore him too and cry about it? ill talk to him in a week or so but my daydream imagination will ruin me. any advice is welcome

Poems that speak to 'beliefs, values, and opportunity'?

my FAVORITE poet is sylvia plath....any good ones by her? any will do though. just nothing that looks like it was written by a middle schooler. thanks! : )

Favorite top 5 songs by The Isley Brothers?

It's Your Thing is my fave. Love the One You're With, Fight the Power (funky *** baseline), Don't Say Goodnight (that's some baby-makin' music), and That Lady.

How to tell parents about bad grades?

Just tell them! Your parents should not care if you get those kinds of grades and remember to tell them that you tried your hardest and it was a new program/school. If you tell your parents that you tried your hardest, they might be mad for a while but then they will get over it. Also, promise them from the bottom of you heart that you will do better next year. To answer the last question (the ps question), yes and no. Yes, because if you tell them that you think a tutor will help you, that will show them that you know that you made the mistake but you want to fix it and do better. No, because they are not BAD grades, they are average grades. Good Luck!

"Shh everybody quiet its a homocide 4 n*ggas on the block and they say everbody died"?

Please help!!!!! I listend to this song in a friends car and i have no idea who sings it or what its called and ive typed those lyrics in google so many times it obviously doesnt exist on google yet. crazy. Anyone know what it is?

Why is God? The question AND the answer...?

well youtube dosen't keep every video all the time so they problebly got rid of it or the uploader got rid of it

What to do during summer break?

Hey im logan and im 12 me and my cousin is at my house .We are very board and we wanted to know if any one could give us some ideas on what we could do . I don't have much to do during our summer please help . :)(: By the way this is my moms account . Shh.:)

What is wrong with my brother's friend?

You are in the wrong section. Also, since you are here, may I suggest you mind your own damned business.

I hv writn so mny hindi poem,lyric,shayri,story hw it will show to wrld pls tell me.?

If there is any poet competition in india or poem or story competition in india then pls tell me nd its regulation.bcoz i dont knw any poet competition.

Help singing high notes?

I sing country music and a lot of my favorite songs have high notes in them so they are the only ones i can't sing! It would help if i could get some practice but I dont want anyone to hear me until I am ready to start a big career. I've recorded I would have gave up on this dream long ago but my gf keeps pushing me back to it cause shes a poet and the likes me to sing her poem. And when I do get better how can I find people to play in the band? please help

Lyrics from songs from the bands below,about hate/death/love that I could put as a Facebook status?

So I need lyrics that could be put as a status on Facebook. It's kind of a long story why, anyway. it would have to be things that you could say to a guy (If it were about the love part) Death and hate, it doesn't matter.. So nothing like with a girl's name or anything. Bands like.. Vampires Everywhere, Get Scared, We Came As Romans, Linkin Park, Three Days Grace, Black Veil Brides, Alkaline Trio, Samhain, Danzig, Pierce The Veil, Love Hate Hero, A Skylit Drive, Veils Of Maya, Hopes Die Last, Woe, Is Me, Chelsea Grin, eatmewhileimhot, Breathe Carolina, My Eye's Fall Victim, The Color Morale, Funeral For A Friend, Social Distortion, With One Last Breath, Penknifelovelife, Duck Duck Goose, Our Last Night, After The Burial, AFI, Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows, Knives Exchanging Hands, Good Charlotte, Job For A Cowboy, Eyes Set To Kill, The World We Knew, Escape The Fate, Sense's Fail, Alesana, Motionless In White, KISS, Misfits, Cannibal Corpse, Enter Shikari, Motley Crue, Miss May I, The Word Alive, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Falling In Reverse, Dance Gavin Dance, Silverstein, Before Their Eyes, Slaughter At The Engagement Party, Sky's Eat Airplanes, Nevershoutnever!, Of Mice And Men, Suicide Silence, Attack! Attack!, Hawthorn Height's, Amber Pacific, Attack Attack!, Underoath, All That Remains, Parkway Drive, Rise Against, Arsonists Get All The Girls, Count Your Blessings, The Ghost Inside, After Me, The Flood, Dr. Acula, The Acacia Strain, Drive A, Violets For Verona, Green Day, August Burns Red, My Children My Bride, Bring Me The Horizon, blessthefall, Gnomes With Combs, Have Heart, Legend, Nights Like These, Embrace The End, Stray From The Path, Structures, I The Breather, Family Force 5, Attila, Born Of Osiris, After The Burial, Call It Karma, Simple Plan, Mayday Parade, In Fear And Faith, Sleeping With Sirens, Texas In July, The Black Dahila Murder, Chiodos, Liferuiner, Heavy Heavy Low Low, I Wrestled A Bear Once, Blind Witness, For Today, Emarosa, A Thousand Time's Repeat, I Killed The Prom Queen, Abandon All Ship's, Beneath The Sky, The Acacia Strain,Agraceful, Alexisonfire, The Amity Affliction, Atreyu, Beneath The Sky, Bleeding Through, Bullet For My Valentine, Burden of a Day, Comeback Kid, Dethklok, Envy on the Coast, Four Year Strong, Gallows, Greeley Estates, Herbrightskies, I Am Ghost, It Dies Today, Job For A Cowboy, Killswitch Engage, Madina Lake, Memphis May Fire, Meshuggah, Moneen, Oceano, Oh Sleeper, One Morning Left, Our Last Night, Protest The Hero, The Red Shore, Saosin, Set Your Goals, Stone Sour, Story of The Year, The Used, Whitechapel, Aim for the Sunrise, A Bullet For Pretty Boy, A Midsky Surrender, Adept, Before Their Eyes, Casino Madrid, Catherine, Close to Home, Four Letter Lie, Isles and Glaciers, Mayday Cried the Captain, Paddock Park, Sienna Skies, This Romantic Tragedy, As Blood Run's Black, Beautiful Dying Day, A Day To Remember, The Devil Wear's Prada, Every Time I Die, From First To Last, Panic! At The Disco, All's Quiet, All That Remains, As I Lay Dying, Avenged Sevenfold, We Are The Ocean, Eighteen Visions, Assassins, The Almost, Tony Danza Tap Dance Extravaganza, Oceano, Upon A Burning Body, ABACABB, Burning The Mass, This Or The Apocalypse, The Damned, For The Fallen Dreams, Architects, Abandon All Ships, Scary Kid's Scaring Kid's, A Mean's To An End, Every Avenue, All Time Low, Artist vs. Poet, System Of A Down, AC/DC,Metallica, All American Rejects, Avril Lavigne, Aerosmith, Iron Maiden, would all work. Please give as many as possible. Thank youuu!

What do you think of my poems?

I think invoking Judaism, Christianity and Islamic theology shows you were looking for word with more gravitas then you poem deserved.

My dog's occasional seizures?

That's how seizures start, sporadically and of short duration. They always get worse. It's your choice not to take him to a vet, get diagnosed (he doesn't have to have a seizure in the office) and put on medication to control the seizures, so I'm not sure what you're looking for. Eventually the seizures will be long enough in duration to cause brain damage

Does he like me? Help please...?

it was very loooong .. but in the beginning i was saying " oh he likes Her!" then after the whole " you are gay " thing I started to feel like he needs some time until you know but i'm pretty sure he likes you in the beginning but after you fought maybe he changed his mind or something but if he acts the same way as before that he for sure likes you .. and don't worry a lot ok ? Good luck!

How to get the baby to nap, please?

I have a baby boy who is 4 1/2 months old. I've been breast feeding him and am hoping to continue it for 1 year. He had been sleeping through the night for 5 hours, but he refuses to nap during day time. So, it's hard to schedule him (we'd tried to schedule him, but it didn't work) We've been trying to put him to bed whenever we see him yawn or look tired, but he refused to nap. I checked everything, he's well fed, had dry diaper. Some said that's because he doesn't know how to relax himself to sleep, so we sang to him, walked him around, rocked him, we wrapped him, shh him, did all the 5 Ss but he still ended up with historical crying before napping. I feel so bad for him. His napping and sleeping each day is about 10 hours total, I heard that the baby needs more than this for their brain developing. Is there any suggestion, please?

Do I have a good chance of getting into a good school?

Based on the schools you've chosen above, I'd say your chances are fine. However, with a GPA like that it will be insanely hard to get in anywhere better. Oh, and colleges don't know that you're required to take religion classes and they don't necessarily know how hard your high school is, so it might be difficult.

What's the name of this poem?

I only know that it was written by a Russian poet. It's about how he was unhappy and he was blaming the environment. So he changed cities, but he was still unhappy. At the end he realized that there weren't cites that were making him unhappy, it was him all along. And then he sees that if we want something to change, or want to make something better we must always look and start from ourselves first.

Where does the 'Sshh...' command for silence come from?

It a simple commands silence in most animal, humans too, I think its because its short for shush or shut up and people usually say these two word and display the feeling of be quiet. And also that's what librariens do when they want you to stop making noise in the library

Cud u plzzzzzzzzz..explain like what is the dominant atmosphere in the poem??..i wud be soooo grateful to you!?

I have no idea dude, sounds to me like you are a father trying to let go of your dying wife and you are expecting it but don't want to listen to the truth.

What does this mean (compliment or criticism)?

I think it means you wrote it with a lot of meaning & depth. But who knows.. Why don't you ask that person instead.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Am i bipolar(manic depressive)?

It seems to be really bugging you :/ Maybe you could be put on an antipsychotic medicine, it helps with mood swings like that.... it can be used for being bipolar too of course. Thats the best advice i can give you, but hopefully things will clear up and you will be able to know what is wrong. Good luck~

My mother said that I have no talent...?

That's a straight up lie hun, everyone has something they are good at no matter what anyone tells you!

I got beaten up infront of my girlfriend im embarresed :(?

:( im so embarresed . so first me and my girl friend wer going out to a concert to rock , so she was wearing black kinda short and i was wearing like badass :P we looked amazingly cool ^^ so we walked out and went i was driving on the car then we arrived ... after we stepped out of car somone said SEXY *** told him shh . he told me who u shheing dog i told him u Mother ***** so before he started i Punched him rapidly he fell while i wanna sit on him to end it , to people from behinde me grabed me and he got out a brass knucle and beat me up with it till i got cut . then i fell on ground and they started kicking me so my Gf screamed plz go off him they told here Shut up Bit*** but i couldent go up and go back into a new fight cuz i was really knocked out . after that i cant rememmber what happend cuz he punched me a huge punch . after i regain my concious i looked on my gf she was trying to take blood of my mouth with a tissue , so she said lets go back home and she didint say anything all ride home :( :'( why is she embarresed I did what i can its hard . :( why is she sad any girl or boy can help plz :(

How realistic are covert and black operations?

sorry hon but that is what debriefing is all about. telling you what you will or will not wouldn't be secret ,covert, or black ops if people knew all the nitty gritty details.That is another reason they get paid hazard pay. All I can tell you is watch the news sometime. you'll get a general idea of what might have been a covert or black operation. you won't get details but you'll figure it out. part of the reason they stay quiet about it is to protect the soldier and their families, it is a safety issue not just an issue of national security.

Can the company ask for declaration to work?

The agency that I am going to work for ask me for a written declaration to make a commitment for work during my University year are they eligible to ask for it? because i think they are not, I am signing the contract and I think that should be enough. And it's not fair because if I sign something like this I am not able to leave the work even if i just don't like the job or place or people working there, so for different reason than that the fact I might struggle to combine uni and work like they are thinking I might.

Can I be a doctor? With dedication?

Med school does not look at high school grades, just college GPA and you MCAT score, as well as what else you've done besides going to class and getting A's.

Why wont he be my boyfriend?

Honestly if I were you, I would ask him where he thought this was going and if we were in a relationship. If he gets angry or something, then tell him that you just got tired of being used & lead on and then having it lead to nowhere- that's not fair to you. I think it's weird that he would go this far with you and then not commit. Maybe he's shy and doesn't want to officially ask you out... but you never know. If he does reject you, of course it's going to hurt but it will be better for you to go ahead and find out what's going on then to have to find out later. Good luck and hopefully everything will work out!

I think my bf is cheating on me? Help!?

why did you have a kid if you were gonna give him/her up for adoption? why have sex if ur gona let urself get pregnant? Why be with someone when you know deep inside he IS cheating on you?

This is a serious question. please help?

Aww im a boy 16 England, and reading that all just made me cry, im so sorry, i dont have an answer for you, but i just want you to know that you should be traeted better, much love, i hope it gets better xXx

I am thinking about pre med in college.?

All colleges vary as to what classes they offer in a specific field and what they choose to call those classes; however, generally speaking, there is a slightly slower and perhaps easier course that you could start out with, which is a Preparatory Chemistry Class. Many students that either did not take Chemistry in High School, or feel inadequate to jump right into General Chemistry will opt to take this course. You could do that and if you ever felt you needed more assistance, tutors are made available. If the drive and determination is strong enough, you not only can do well in the class, you will do well in the class. It is largely mind over matter when it comes to success! So, yes, aim for Medical School if that is your passion and then work to make it your reality!

HELP! D: Is it okay if I leave my braces alone when a bit of my wire broke off?

Well, just today while eating cereal (idk if we're not allowed to eat 'em but shh.. o:) and my wire came out of my band. I came back from school and tried to fix it- I've done it many times so I knew how to fix it. But I tried fixing it today but I bent it too many times that the wire from my last bracket to the band came off. So basically, I was wondering it's okay to just leave it alone until the next appointment in 3 weeks. Cause I really do not wanna go to the Orthodontist cause I went last week (usual monthly checkup) and yesterday to glue one of my brackets back on and I really don't wanna go again cause they'd prolly tell me off like they did last time when I kept coming. -.-

Can someone help me think of something to say to my parents...?

I've been depressed (I think it is depression) for a while now, and I Can't take it any more, everyday is a constant struggle inside my head. I am fine one minute, then I just start crying. I stay up all night and sleep all day, so my parents don't see. I keep thinking about death and It's driving me mad, Sometimes I'm thinking 'I don't want to die, next I wan't to kill myself. So I need to get help but I don't know what to say to my parents. We are kind of close but I don't usually talk to them about personal feelings.

How do you deal with your baby screaming?

I dont mean sad screaming i mean happy scream. My husband always tells my son "Shhh!" but that never works and he smiles and does it again. Well we were at a restaurant and my son started to do it and my husband was getting upset and embarrased and I told him that he is only 8 months so he doesn't understand and is learning he can do it. Of course we got the obvious dirty looks from strangers but I am not sure how to tell my son to be quiet other than "Shh" and give him his pacifier. It was making me embarrsed to but then again he's a baby so not a lot we can do. Did your kids do this and did you correct them? My son goes in phases and will do this for like a week and stop for like 2 weeks and then do it again. Should we be correcting him and how? When we're home I don't do anything about it and he usually only does it when he"s excited..I think just so he can hear himself.

What could be wrong with my engine?

I will say, good job on the narrative and spelling, but one thing you left out...what engine. I would guess the 3.1L ? if you are loosing coolant the problems will start. The computer will set a "limp home mode" and cause all kind of issues. In a 1998 OBDII car I would start with the codes set.

If I ask God for Him to cure my addiction of ADD medications today, then the addiction should disappear right?

First of all how this all started was because I was struggling all my life with ADHD in school been names called like stupid, retarded, handicapped, or just f-cked in the head and I HATE having ADHD so much and want it to go away by God! And then I am now addicted and have abused every one of the ADHD medications and my parents have to hide them and they raise they voices at all everytime I find them and do abuse them. So, if I get down on my knees, and beg again and again like I always did for God to heal my ADHD and my addiction of all the medications tonight, then the addiction should go away, right? I'm hoping so sense He's all powerful!!

Please help help help?

Please do you know of any songs that have similar themes as a poem of one of the british poets for example, bryon, keats, yeats, woodsworth. Please tell me the name of the poem, the name of the song, and who wrote/sang it? Thanks

Why do I get so paranoid when I'm out alone?

For the past year or so I've felt really paranoid. When I go anywhere public I always think that people are staring at me and laughing about me. I get extremely nervous when there are people walking near me. When I walk home from school and I see other people, I either cross the road so I won't go past them or make it so they won't see me. When I go to places like town, where its busy, I get EXTREMELY anxious,nervous,paranoid, my heart thuds so fast it hurts, my face goes all hot, and I struggle to focus, and I just HAVE to get away from it and when I do its like a massive sigh of relief. can someone please explain what this is?

Tips on fundraising a lot of money?

I'm going to work in Japan for a year beginning June 2012 and I need to raise �6000 by then. I'm struggling for suggestions and I have no clue which fundraiser raise the most money? Suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)

Was I sexually abused when I was younger?

I'm 13, so is this other boy, he always flirts with me, then he kissed me on the cheek which kinda got me freaked out a bit but I ignored it. Later he was grabbing me and holding me against him (He usually does that, I think hes just being stupid) But this time he tried to kiss me on the lips, then suddenly everything kinda went darker and I saw black stuff and the edges of my vision, and I got really scared he was trying to kiss me, and I started struggling and when he didn't let go (He probably just thought I was playing around) I completely freaked out, attacked him, then I ran away... I felt like that has happened to me before and something very bad happened, I've heard that sometimes the brain hides bad memories... Or maybe I'm just over reacting?

Please Help! Sorry about the length. I like this lady at my job, should I tell her or just give up?

There's this lady I work with, I'm 18 and she can't be any older than 24. She has a bf and maybe some kids. When I first started talking to her she seemed shy and barely said a word to me. I felt that I made a bad impression so I went to her desk and just started some casual talk and I got her to giggle, I built on that and eventually had her smiling and opening up. About 2 days later I went to pick something up from her desk and I thought "hey let's catch up". I then asked her about her day and she told me how she was all tired and its been long and yada yada, I then said don't get tired before our first date, obviously just kidding as this was only our second interaction, and she laughed and then said "you're so cute" I figured she was just being nice, she has a bf. The next day I came into work and she greeted me, I was surprised because she's usually quiet. Later that day I told her i'd switch my position so that we could talk more often and become better friends, she asked when would I make the move, I then said "i see you can't get enough of my charismatic charm." she then smiled and said don't get big-headed. I then lightly brushed my hand across hers and she didnt move away, just gave me a shy smile. I figure she knows I have feelings for her but doesn't want to do anything to hurt me or more importantly her boyfriend. Now I figure that since she has kids she may feel obligated to stay with her bf but is hurt inside by her relationship with him hence her seemingly sad nature when we first met, going back to the moment, after I made a physical move and she smiled, she answered my joke about moving positions earlier saying, she wanted a bonnie and clyde dynamic, besides murder and crime I think bonnie and clyde had a romance going on. She's really nice to me, she greets me, we joke and flirt, whenever there's a heavy work load she apologizes even though it's not her fault and it means alot, she's honest and caring. One day I was clocking in from lunch as she was leaving for home and she seemed really sad like sadder than I've ever seen her, I had asked her what was wrong and she said she had a headache. I left it that, but I began to wonder if something was going on with her kids or bf. She was really shooken up. I offered a tylenol for her headache and she declined saying. Her home was close by, she asked when would be the next time I worked and we talked for a quick minute. As we parted I told her it'll all be okay I'm here if you need me anytime. She then smiled slightly while saying "cute and a poet". She then left as I told her to be safe going home. And lastly, later that night I texted my friend about her and she replied with "Don't get your hopes up, I don't want to see you hurt." So I don't know what I should do. I know dating in the workplace can be dangerous, and she has a bf, and the whole time she may not have had feelings other than co-workers and friends, but there can some chance out there that she may have feelings for me, again prolly not. I just need to know if I should just come out directly and let her know how I feel regardless of the outcome or if I should just drop this infatuation. I've given loads of that about the good an the bad outcomes and rejection, I just need help deciding if I should ask for her number, go to dinner and do fun stuff or should I back off completely. I also do respect boundries of her bf but she seems to be keen to the thought of us. I've also weighted the thought of other guys trying to get with her but I can only control me. Any answer will be greatly appreciated and thank you all for your help and I apologize for the length.